Friday, April 20, 2012

Assault and Soda

It was somewhere between bitter and sour.  My nose is sensitive to things gone "bad"--dish or wash clothes and bath towels--and I'd been pursuing the odd smell in the shower for months.  Despite my random efforts, the smell persisted until it grabbed my attention and flung itself in front of all the other Things I get to do today.

Shower deodorant--soda and boiling water
Armed with--what does one use when the cause is not clear?--baking soda by the pound and boiling water, I took it on. Several days ago it seemed that the smell was coming from the shower drain. Down went 3/4 cup of baking soda followed by two quarts of boiling water.  The steam that came up was not reassuring.  Waited five minutes while another pot of water boiled. Added another cup of baking soda. Scalded the dickens out of it with more boiling water.

Assaulted the tub drain the same way, though it had not yet ripened. Soda and boiling water. My thinking was that the soda would neutralize the acidy stuff and the boiling water would soften and wash away sludgy soap and hair conditioner scum.

All the hoopla took place earlier today.  I've put off checking the results, not wanting to be disappointed enough to come up with another plan.  Upon gathering my wandering courage a short time ago, I discovered, hallelujah-hooray, the drain is essentially odor free.  So the other thing I get to do today is write that down so I'll remember it for any future similar situation.


  1. I'm going to have to remember this technique.

    1. Write it down. Let's see--what could we write it on that we would remember to look at? Or remember where we put the note to remind us. Have a relaxing weekend, Pam.

  2. Sounds like a good solution to me. I have to remember to do these things periodically, as I have no sense of smell. I depend on other noses to alert me of foul smells. Luckily, my honey has a good smeller.
