Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Green Algae Dance Competition

I had a dance date today:  at the top of my extension ladder,  with the first runner-up for the Oregon state plant, a type of green algae.  Our actual state plant/flower is the Oregon Grape, which is probably sprouting in the gutters on my house and on my roof while I'm not looking because I'm busy with the algae.

Duster and pole.
Removed cover from duster.
Secured it on pole with a rubber band and duct tape.

Yes, back to the algae stuff.  You've seen my sweet little piazza with its new kiwi trellis.  Well, covering the piazza is corrugated polycarbonate roofing.  I put the piazza together and the roof on last summer in July.  It has had all the rains of fall and winter to settle in and become intimately acquainted with things that grow in this state and our state--green algae being the most friendly.  When I designed my sweet space, the roof slant was made fairly flat to save on materials.  I was not thinking about the fir needles from the trees outside our property that would shower down, settle in and make cozy nesting for other things to grow. And so on balmy evenings as we sit in front of the chiminea and look up, there's our first runner-up.

All set up for action and dancing

This morning rain made it perfect for dancing at the top of a ladder with a scrubber on the end of a skylight-opening extension pole to see who would come away with the top prize--Things I get to do today--the algae or me.

Tools and results:  the closer channels are partly cleaned

Thirty channels eight feet long to scrub full length with a tool invented using a duster cover from my favorite store and that very helpful extension pole equals a gentle, morning, upper-body workout.

View from the top:
scum on right and left of cleaned channels

If you are shorter than six feet tall, you should not try this trick at home.  It requires arms and legs at least six inches longer than whatever you currently have.

Sparkling and clear:  ready for a warm, restful weekend

I haven't checked the result scores yet, but I'm pretty certain I won.

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