Friday, October 26, 2012

The Basil Bonanza

Mt. Basil

Chopped fine

So now the basil puts money in my pocket as well as forecasting the weather.

Those cute little packages of cubed frozen basil as mentioned in the previous basil blog sell for $3.99 each.  My mountain of basil made approximately 18 of those.

Bagged to freeze

Things I get to do today are count my money and head to the bank. That's $71.82.


  1. Wow. Good for you! I don't use basil much.

    1. Well, take your favorite herb and do the same!

  2. We love basil especially for pasta! The flavor and aroma is just so good.

    By the way, I would like to get to know you more through your posts. Would you like us to follow each other?

    1. Seems to me that fellow basil lovers could follow each other's posts! What fun! I'm out of town for a week, so you won't hear from me until next weekend.

  3. I make pesto from my basil and freeze it in ice cube trays. When frozen, I bag the cubes up for use all winter. Maybe you could do the same with your ground basil?


    1. Hi Bestler,

      We've done the pesto and loved it! Garlic and basil are such good friends. But I have recipes in the winter that ask me for fresh basil, and that's how I'm planning to use this. Can always add garlic and cheese to create the pesto later. Thanks for the suggestion! And thanks for stopping by with a comment!
