Sunday, October 7, 2012

Honeymoon Garden

I pulled into the rest stop off Interstate 90.  The usual reason--there were bathrooms available.  Just as I stepped out of my car,  a woman walked toward me, purposefully, as though she knew me. "Here's the recipe for a honeymoon. Lettuce alone with no dressing." She walked straight past me to her car.  Words to meditate on while on the toilet for sure!

After five days with my mother, driving back to Portland gives time for thought and reflection.  I enjoy the quiet.  It's a time to plan and create Things I get to do today enough for many days to come. The Sprague rest stop woman had given new dimensions to project possibilities.  I was still scratching my head.

Nearly time to harvest seeds for next season

But when I arrived home, I found the first half of the story already written out.  There in my garden, at the end of summer, was a little honeymoon hideaway.  Two burgundy lettuce plants, long since finished with edible leaves, had elegant candelabra-styled crowns with seeds ready for the picking.  Just lettuce. No dressing.  Perfect honeymoon.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, darlin'. It wrote itself. You know how that happens from time to time.

  2. The seed heads are beautiful. How lucky to have them as starts for next year. Mine never seem to get that far.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

    1. These plants were too pretty top pull up as they started to bloom. Just had to let them live it out and live it up. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This really made me chuckle out loud. I think, perhaps, that random wit with a smile might be a great way to make the world a better place.

    1. Yup! Talk about random. That woman was off the charts. But just look what she started.
