Friday, March 23, 2012

Telling a Better Story

 I'm a straight-facts person.  My husband and his family are story tellers and find most undecorated accounts of an event to have undeveloped potential.  With the right details "enhanced," the whole family may be confused, but at least they are laughing.

Try this quote on for size:  "Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction.  Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life.  So tell it the way you want it to be."*

Today's weather--in my mind

Let's tell more stories to create good health, abundance, and joy. Let's describe graphically the details of our creativity, our talents and the best we have to share. Let's practice looking at our future and creating with our thoughts and words the finest outcome we can imagine.   That really means "decorating" and developing the "potential" of all situations.  Time to let go of the "straight-facts," I guess.  Things I get to do today: learn to be a better story teller and really enhance the "facts."

I'd like warm, sunny weather, so here's my better-feeling story:  I see and feel myself standing outside in the freshness of the morning with the warm, loving sun snuggling me all over.  The birds are alive with the early morning twitters, and the whole garden sparkles with potential.  I breathe in the glory of Divine Energy and bask in the delicious miracle of the earth.  I know that one of these days soon warmth will return to my town, and I'm eager for its coming.  I love knowing that everything is in order and will come about when it is ready.  Right now, I'm going to make something cuddly warm to drink and find a good book.  All is well.

*Abraham-Hicks.  Daily Quote.  March 21, 2012.

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