Friday, March 15, 2013

This Goes

This wasn't the real game playing board

It's only a game.  Here's how it's played.  Pick a small area of a room that is cluttered.  I picked my kitchen.  Say out loud as you pick up each object, "This goes. . . ."

Before I zoomed off into other Things I get to do today, I played "This Goes" with my kitchen counters.  For ten minutes you would have heard this: This goes in the car (and I walk with the object to the car). This goes in the bedroom (walk with the object in hand to the bedroom). This goes in the office. And this goes in the pantry. And this goes in the compost pile. And this goes in the cupboard. This goes in my handbag. And this goes. . . . The winner of the game is the kitchen, and the winner of the game is me. Win/win.
We won!

Those of us who like to talk to ourselves, it's a great way to keep focused on a tidying project.  For someone listening in, well, let them think what they will.


  1. I play this goes all the time with my kitchen counter!

  2. That's very clever... only trouble is, when I get one object to where it belongs, that place thinks I need to play the game with it also... :)

    1. Oh, oh, oh, I know the feeling. Keep your focus, here! One area at a time.

  3. We played this game when my girls were small. I attached each room first with a basket that was filled with things that belonged elsehere. Then I'd run the vacuum or whatever while they emptied the basket to where it belonged. Usually in their rooms.

  4. I LOVE this game. I usually play a similar version where I say "This goes in the bedroom" but on my way I pass the buffet and stop to pick up a book that also goes in the bedroom, but title contains the word "quilt" which reminds me of fabric scraps in the sewing room that I promised to a girl at work, so I get the fabric, but sit down the first object . . . You get the idea. In your version, there is no room for distraction. Perfect.

    1. It is SO easy to go circular and then head out into the wild blue yonder with the quilt book or the knitting or the. . . . Spent a lot of time circling in the wild blue. Good luck, Darlin'.

  5. You are a genious!! Seriously I just did this subconsciously in my kitchen. Our 10 year old granddaughter is visiting and she has gone from crafts, to dolls, to horses, to snacking, to movies, and to baking cupcakes and as you can imagine my kitchen needed a serious game of This Goes! Thanks for sharing - it's all abour focusing and organization - One I love - One I struggle with!

    1. Now a 10-year-old granddaughter adds a whole different dimension! You're doing a very good job. I find that "out loud" is really important to keep focus and make quick work of this project.
