Saturday, March 16, 2013

Karen's Gift of Color

Colors and textures that hold Karen's delight
The doorbell rang. Saturday afternoon is not our usual time to receive unannounced visitors. No visitor, the mail carrier had left a box, a rather large one.

Grey and pale green yarn on the lower left
 is silk and sea cell by Hand Maiden
Now with Leonard Cohen playing from his Old Ideas album, I'm removing the yarn, skein by skein, from the big box sent to me by her brother in his cleaning out of her house.

Each wrapped bundle of fibers reveals surprises and delights. Colors that warm my heart line up on the table with their mates. I can feel Karen watching me, eager to share the excitement of her gift to me.

Karen passed last November in Boston. We are having a remembrance service for her tomorrow for her West Coast friends. Things I get to do today are to feel her close one more time, to touch and feel all these yarns that she touched and felt, to bask in the delicious colors, and to put my creative thoughts to mesh with her gift: planning more knitting projects.


  1. I see lots of knitting in your future. What a nice gift.

    1. Ah, your crystal ball is in top form. But just as we are moving into spring--such timing to suspend me between two loves--yarn and yard.

  2. If you subscribe to the great maxim, She who dies with the most fiber wins; Karen won. Purple and green. My kinda woman.

    1. You would have loved her. She loved everyone, and no one could resist the heart pull. She definitely won--had something like a cubic yard of yarn!

  3. pure treasures from one heart to another

    1. I can feel it in my heart every time I touch it. Blessed bliss.
