Friday, June 15, 2012

Wide-Eyed, Yellow-Eyed Grass

This sweetie is 1/2" across

She's definitely a morning "person" like me. But then she's not really awake for her day until the sun has shown on her for half an hour or so.  If it's cloudy, she may just decide to sleep through.  Checking her wake up time is the first of cheery Things I get to do today.  Her day is brief--by three o'clock in the afternoon her eyes are shut in sleep.

A happy clump straddles the fence of the hen pen.

I fell in love with this simplest of sweet little flower grasses a number of years ago and bought a couple of plants.  They live a season and self-sow for little starts all around that are easy to control.

There's a blue-eyed grass I hear tell. Maybe it's a night "person,"  waking at five in the afternoon and glowing on into the moon light, adding a fresh sparkle to the cool of the dark.


  1. This is just lovely. I feel marginally guilty I don't know about flowers, other than they are lovely. My friend has a pretty little bloom that snaps shut at dusk, and I don't know its name.

  2. Come into my garden. I'd like my roses to meet you! All these sweeties don't care if you know their names, but they know yours and they love you anyway!

  3. Hi Andy, I've never heard of yellow eyed grass but it surely is lovely! I like your new profile photo too.

    1. Isn't it amazing that we know so little of what is out there? Thanks--time for a new look.
