Saturday, June 23, 2012

Too Much of a Good Thing

Before the nitrogen fertilizer.

They say the best defense is a good offense.  Why do "they" always have all the answers?  I spent days offensing offensively with my best offense.  In real terms, I dug up the whole front bed that cuddled the horsetail.   Then squeezed a few chicken amendments into it along with lots of ammonium sulfate.

One day after application

See the results of too much of a good thing.

Roots of the not-preferred plant were dug out.
 Area received a heavy dose of nitrogen fertilizer.
It will be easy to take care of any growth that springs up.

I'm thrilled and my heart sings through the Things I get to do today.  The digging, the sifting for threads of roots, the redoing of my iris bed and the area around my rose--it's all just play, because I'm using sweetness and goodness to outwit and outpower something that I prefer not to have. Simple as that.


  1. keeping fingers crossed for you!

  2. Ah, weeding. Everyone's favourite pastime.

    1. Keeps us off the streets and out of the pubs, unfortunately.

  3. I have no idea what you're doing, but it looks bare.

    1. It certainly does. For now that's a good thing. After I'm certain the horsetail is drastically diminished, other plants can be added back in. It's a bit like radical surgery, unfortunately.
