Monday, May 28, 2012

Strowing the Garden

"Where do you get your strow?" Reva asked over the phone.  Strow.  I was speechless with absolutely no clue what she was talking about.  Context of the question implied, however,  that not only did I know what strow was, but I had also procured some.  "You know, the strow you put around your strowberries."

"Strow" in the "strowberries"

So every year when Things I get to do today include putting straw around  my strawberries, I remember Reva, from Knoxville, TN, my neighbor in times past.  Warm affection is mixed well with this mulch that keep the berries clean and the earth damp.

I now "strow" most of my garden.  And I think of Reva nearly every time I see it glisten in the garden light.


  1. Yep, Reva was fixin' to get some strow soon as you heped he with the place. I could live down South, if they could understand me and if I could leave Ohio.

    1. Oh, Joanne, yes, yes! I needed yo hep that day to translate for me!

  2. Isn't it wonderful how certain things remind you of certain people. Happens to me all the time! Loved this story.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Please share some of your stories soon, OK? Reva lives on in the "strow" of my garden.
