Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Average-sized egg on the left.
Anyone want to guess how many yokes in the big one?**
I am not making this up.* One of my hens, I know it wasn't Katy Perry Chicken or Queen Latifah Chicken, laid a "goose" egg this morning.  If this is what happens with free-range hens, then open the gates!

Of all the Things I get to do today, weighing and measuring this BIG chicken egg is definitely the most curious.  The enormous egg weighed in at three ounces while the average is only two. Hens aren't that heavy themselves, and packing this dude around while it was in the making must have caused a case of heavy butt.

Further deduction tells me it came from Lena Horne Hen; she eased the giant into the nest first thing this morning.  Smart hen:  I wouldn't want to carry it all day myself.

*Dave Barry fans will recognize his frequently-used disclaimer.

**Note added 2/29/12:  This giant yielded two full-sized yokes.


  1. Wow!! Lena Horne Hen did good!

  2. I am guessing 3 yolks. What a beautiful egg Ms. Horne laid!

    1. Our omelet makings revealed only TWO yokes, but they were the size of those in a regular egg.

  3. a chicken-bowling ball, eh? imagine laying one of those with any frequently, like having birth week after week.

    1. Fortunately, they don't seem to keep track of such, nor do they tell me about how difficult it is. Just "squat and leave it." Simple if you are a hen.
