Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Naked Lady in a Bathtub

Eight-year-old boys blush, but I ask them any way. When the opportunity strikes, this is always the most fun of the Things I Get To Do Today. "Would you like to see a naked lady in a bathtub?" I pluck a flower and gently pull down the brilliant pink sides. There before God and all of us is a pale-skinned woman, serenely sitting in her elegant bath. I hand the flower to the young boy, pleased with myself for corrupting his young mind with the mysteries and delights of Nature who is not the slightest bit shy about exposing its beauty.

I had to buy a vigorous, new plant this spring to replace my older Bleeding Heart. Each year for some time it has diminished in size and health. Such an old-fashioned favorite belongs by my front door to greet visitors and to be handy for informing grown-ups and embarrassing small children in general. We're ready to go now for many more springs to come.


  1. I've been a fan of bleeding heart all my life and did not know this. How fun.

    1. Splendid! Always pleases me to stock another's information cupboard.

  2. Well, I am now educated on the Bleeding Heart! I am afraid my now 9 year old grandson would not blush!

    1. At least he will be informed! Blushing is another matter.
