Sunday, February 24, 2013

Color of Thank You

It's late.  Over a month of blessings have slipped by.  The first of January would have been the perfect time to begin.  It didn't find its way into the Things I get to do today until this day.  But I'll make it up.

Post-it flags

I know one thing.  Whatever one focuses on will continue, will expand, will grow.  A friend recently shared the idea of daily writing down one thing that was a blessing, that she was grateful for, that was somehow special or miraculous.  She put the little slips of paper into a container.  At the end of the year she would take time to read through the tremendous wave of good fortune that had swept through her life in the last year.

The beginning of my gratitude bowl.
 Whatever one looks for,  one WILL find.
 Look only for the best!

So today I began, at last, to multiply my blessings, my abundance by writing down at least one thing each day that touched or thrilled me.  Pretty little post-it type flags can be written on, folded and sealed. Their color alone contributes to the beauty of this ritual.  Thank you is a lovely color.


  1. I hope yesterday's weather made it into the bowl, before you sent it our way. Hasn't arrived yet, by the way.

    1. Hope "springs" eternal! Today is even lovelier than yesterday. Into the bowl it goes along with the pleasurable vigor of a good walk this morning. Sending it all directly to you, Joanne!
