Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Dirt

It isn't your usual gift.  It is what they want, however.  The wait has been long enough, and Christmas Day seems to be the time for fulfilling their wish:  dirt please.

Begging for Dirt!

Several "slips" of zygote cactus traveled home with me from my mother's. That was in June.  Of course, they needed to hang out in water long enough to put out some healthy roots.  That growth goal was reached by the end of July.  They continued their patient wait.

In the dirt of their dreams

The fall found them draped like dreads over the squash on my kitchen counter.  And now the guilt, or the Blessings of the Season, or the Gift of Christmas moves me to fulfill their hopes.   Things I get to do today will be to find their potting soil and to give them their dirt.

May all your hopes and dreams come true this Christmas Season.  Merriest of all to YOU!


  1. wishing you, dear friend, an amazing New Year and by the sounds of your intentionality, I'm sure it will be a wonderful adventure in being open, aware & present as you choose to embrace all the opportunities of each day~ love having you in my life...again!

    1. Thanks, darlin', and the best of all you can desire to you and yours as well. One of these days we will meet in person and hug for a long time!
