Friday, December 14, 2012

All Gone

The tomatoes are gone.  Out of respect, Things I get to do today will include observing a moment of silence and reflection for their magnificent presence this past summer and fall.

Here is the photo documentation of the last two, before they were sliced in half and put on the top of our Salmon Salad for dinner last night.

Picked green when the weather turned cold several months ago,
these two plucky little tomatoes were able to produce color and flavor
by December 13.  Good work, Jaune Flamme'

Until next summer:  Thanks for the delicious memories, the extravagant flavors, and all the sensuous, warm orbs gathered in the afternoon sun.  I love you.


  1. I am always sad when the last of the home-grown tomatoes are gone. I had some until Christmas one year, where I had picked a grocery bag full before an expected frost and carefully wrapped each one in newspaper. This year that did not happen, the plants died before a frost came.

    1. Until Christmas?! That must be some kind of record. Mine usually make to Thanksgiving at best. Either way, we know that we both love tomatoes very much and are eager for spring and summer to bring us more.
