Thursday, December 20, 2012

So Thankful

I want to share one of your blessings with you.  It's your life.  During the busy and often frantic of this time of year, being still enough to appreciate the moments of your life is a rare event.

So from the Things I get to do today, please accept this six-minute gift from me to you during this Holiday Season--Gratitude in the Moment.


  1. This is a wonderful reminder of something so simple to do that can transform one's life. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks, Asta, for taking the time to watch as the old man points out the multitude of blessed events we can experience every day. We are so fortunate!

  2. Thank you! Need that reminder once in a while. Need to make a place to do this come spring-been on my list for several years now... Those 10 minutes a day have been missing lately as I deal with my Dad's death and afetrmath. S0-will make time.

    What is that incredible plant?

    1. Bless you and your dad. The picture is the seed pods of the Clerodendrom or Glorybower. The leaves when rubbed smell like peanut butter! Has wonderful star-like, fragrant flowers in the later summer that turn into these little jester hats. Delightful!
