Saturday, July 14, 2012


Yellow foxglove pointing the way

It makes flowers grow up.  It seems that no matter the direction of the stem, the flower itself knows how to hold its head up. Weighty blooms on long stems often are not well supported.  The stem leans more and more, but the flower always knows up.  The yellow foxglove just turns up the end of the stem.  Shasta Daisies put their yellow faces up.  My tomatoes were lying down a bit.  When they were tied to their supports, the stems had some pretty odd angles, but in the day or so they all straighten out and knew which way was up.  Gravity is the friend that shows the way.

Stems flat but faces turning up

Some times when it seems there are too many Things I get to do today, or I feel too distracted to know which way is up, looking at a simple, elegant flower will give me my directions.  Settle into the energy of the earth (gravity) and you'll see which way is up.


  1. I recently planted a foxglove. It has a maroon freckled throat, very nice!

  2. I have always said "flowers are up-lifting", enjoyed this post.
