Friday, May 17, 2013

I Spy a Bird Feeder

Brunnera with tiny pale blue flowers and seeds

Your job is to find it in these pictures. Watching the little brown bird (Song Sparrow) give me a big hint is one of the first Things I get to do today. 

My camera and I could not capture this sweet Song Sparrow as it
hopped up onto the flower stalks for an instant, plucking off the tiny
seed heads.  I had no idea this was a bird feeder.
I am always stunned at the details Nature reveals to anyone who stands still long enough. It takes only a few thoughtful moments to collect dozens of secrets throughout your day.  I'd love to hear about some of your special discoveries in stillness.


  1. I completely get this post. I love to just sit still and watch and listen to what lessons Mother Nature has for me today. Especially what the birdies are doing. We have been watching father Bluebird carefully tend to his lady and then little ones. We just emptied the nest and put a better roof on it for the next brood. Here they will nest at least twice.

    1. So sweet! Thanks for sharing your lovely blues with me.

  2. I've just been sitting in my kitchen eating breakfast. On the terrace, outside the glass door, were two Goldfinches and a Sparrow watching me as I ate.

    1. Well, that's a wonderful reversal of roles. Did you put on a special show for them? I can imagine you doing that!
