Thursday, August 20, 2015

All a Buzz

Only one honeybee agreed to sit for this photo.  You'll find her to the left and
down a bit from center.

It was time to meditate.  The usual time is much earlier in the day, more formal and less active.  But the bees were calling me and I caved.

There is nothing more sublime, more meditative, than sitting on the ground and inspecting the Salvia (Blue Hill) along with the honeybees.  The actual things I get to do today are snip off the spent strands of blooms to encourage the plant to make more.  Toward the end of summer, there are fewer flowers available for the girls in their foraging for nectar and pollen. The sacredness of this little task surrounded me, opened my heart to overflowing and blessed me with honeybee love.  I was all a buzz.


  1. I Love Salvia! Our bees love it too! We have a red color but the blue is very pretty!

  2. I don't know how I missed this post,,, but here I am now,,, to enjoy it.
    Such beautys both the honey bees and the Salvia,,
    Lavender blossoms bring our honey bees out too.

  3. How are your bees doing my friend?
    Have you been on more journeys?
